Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Zombie Appreciation Month (ZAM)

May is Zombie Appreciation Month or I would like to call it ZAM. So you know what that means? Go out and hug a zombie. Enjoy your zombie movies and books. Join a Zombie Walk. Act like a zombie, bite people, and tell them they are effected. They won't think they have been effected by a zombie, they will think they were just effected by AIDS. So good luck with that one.

This month I will be looking for some awesome zombie movies, any zombie events going on in NJ, zombie books, zombie pictures, and anything to do with zombies. So If you have a favorite zombie movie, picture, book, or event going on. Let me know on the blog. I will like to share it and show my appreciation to ZAM.

You know Zombie's are people too just dead. So that means they have Zombie Rights!


  1. I just love that they scheduled the Rapture for Zombie Appreciation Month. Here HE comes! Rising from the dead. Again.

  2. Haha that's true. I did not realize that. I like it. Now where's bruce cmbell im sure he can save the day.
