Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Inception. Real or Fake?

What is Inception? Inception is the establishment or starting point of something; the beginning.

Did you know that there is a MRI Scanner that takes images of your brain and can determine what you was looking at? If they did that to me, then they will find me disturbing and creepy. All I know is there be a hot nurse putting me under the machine and ill be trying to look up her skirt. That will be the image they will get from my head.

To get into inception someone would need to go into your dream and make you see their way of the dream. So you would not be able to tell whats real and whats fake. Unless they create a world of candy then you was just incepted by a child. Congrats.

To understand if your in inception is to know if your in a dream.  If you are able to understand whats going on then your most likely in inception. I know in my dreams whenever the good part is about the happen my alarm goes off. I do not understand why it takes me so long to get to that good part. The good part is when I save the world from extinction by having sex with Jessica Alba. But if I was in inception that dream would only last a minute.

Minutes are like hours in inception. You slow up time. You can accomplish a lot while in inception but then again nothing of it is real. So your time is wasted. Get a job in inception.

The laws oh physics do not imply in dreams. So you are able to do whatever you want. But in inception they do imply. You can die and go into limbo.

Limbo is is an expanse of infinite raw subconscious. It is the deepest anyone can travel into the mind. In there you might meet more people or be alone. If I was there I would just create a new world and wait for someone to join me. Then welcome them those weirdest way I can. First impressions are everything.

So is inception real or fake? I would say it is real but done in differently ways. There are studies that we can learn in our sleep by playing audio books when we are asleep. We might be resting but our mind is still going. The study is called hypnopaedia. Here is a link referring to it

Note:After reading this blog, I realize no one should get incepted by me. I would make your dream a big porno. Where I get all the love and make you watch. Unless your a chick.

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