Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Destination 5

Thats right folks, Final Destination is back with its 5th installment to the series. Every one knows after the 4th movie the rules change. We should be in for a real treat. Eric Heisserer who wrote the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street is the writer for Final Destitution 5 and Steven Quale who helped out as a Second Unit Director in James Cameron (Avatar, Titanic) movies is directing this one. I think the style of the movie will be better then the last one. I honestly only look forward to this franchise because of the unique way of dying.  I am a torture porn fanatic. So how badly the Final Destination plots can be, the killing still has me eating my popcorn going "Holy Shit! that was cool, who knew a nail gun can do that?". The best part about Final Destination is no matter what the characters can not cheat death. So you know your going to see a lot of blood and they seem to get better every movie. So with new talent brought on to the plate, I wouldn't cancel this movie out just yet. The last one was really bad but they have high expectations for this one that they signed for Final Destination 6 and 7 which they are filming back to back. So I am thinking the next film will have a really nice long story. Final Destination 6 will probably end in a nice cliff hanger. 

Here is the teaser trailer for Final Destination 5.

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